Friday, April 23, 2010

New computer

I bought my first computer (first computer that was all mine) around April 2005 and used it all through college. It endured class, laying outside, drops, scratches, dings, water, keys popping off a 10 week internship and 4ish moves. Around November 2008 it had served it's purpose and wasn't working very well anymore. I bought an HP.
Never again will I buy an HP. Okay I might, but probably not.

By the following June the sound no longer worked. Shortly after my internal mouse pad stopped working. Then somewhere around November the battery went bad and no longer held a charge so I had to be near a plug in to use it.

The last few weeks I've been getting all sorts of error messages and finally this week it completely crashed. Thankfully not before we got everything off of it. Matt has now totally
reformatted it and it will start up but aside from very basic operations it is useless. We'll keep it around mostly to stream netflix movies onto our TV.

I am on my computer a lot during work and if I want to continue trying to get better at photography/editing I kind of needed one. I didn't want to buy another lemon so.... meet my new computer


Sandy said...

Nice! I love my macbook. It has served me well for almost 3 years now with no sign of problems. I am forever a convert!

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